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Are we satisfied in our jobs?


We go through our 9 to 5 everyday, but are we satisfied in our jobs. Does it give us self-fulfillment? I advise everyone to do an analysis of where they are in life and where they want to be. If your current position does not allow you to maneuver to your goal, then maybe it is time for a career change or a transition to another company that will offer better opportunities.

Sometimes the fear of transitioning in your career may require you leaving your comfort zone and applying your skills and knowledge to a new position. I have experienced applying and interviewing for a position that I was qualified for and being offered another position in which my experience was limited. I had not previously held the position, but I accepted the unknown challenge.

Click the link below on an article I found on how long the average employee stays on a job. Some important facts in the article:

  • The median tenure for workers age 25 to 34 is 3.2 years.

  • The median tenure for employees age 65 and over is 10.3 years.

  • Workers in management, professional, and related occupations had the highest median tenure (5.5 years).

  • Workers in service occupations had the lowest median tenure (3.2 years).


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